On the Road to Financial Ruin

Have you ever stopped long enough to notice how many tools we have to assist our road travel these days? From …

Secrets of a Wealth Creator: How to Buy, Borrow, and Pay Smarter

Let’s face it, we all buy things and we will need to buy things our entire life. It’s not necessarily what …

A Matter of Perspective

There once was a blind man who was miraculously given his eyesight. For his entire life he had accomplished everything he …

Qualified Plans: The Hidden Truth

For many people, the term 401k is synonymous with retirement preparation, and sometimes represents the full extent of their preparedness. Such …

Trains, Tickets, and Taxes: All Aboard!

Imagine that there are four people in line to purchase tickets at the train station. One after the other, they each …

Mortgages: Spoiled for Choice

It is likely that during your lifetime you will allocate more dollars to the place you are going to sleep than …

The Golf Caddie Analogy

Throughout the years, I’ve found that people tend to have a wide range of expectations that come to mind when they …

Why My Clients Choose to Work With Me

If you have had any previous experience with a financial advisor, chances are the conversation revolved around how much money you …

Your Personal Economic Model®

One of the tools we are able to utilize when discussing the best course of action to secure your financial future …

Relationships are Fundamental

It’s a funny thing about advice. Everyone seems to have an overabundance of knowing what others should do, and they have …