If you are serious about your Financial Future you need to know the answers to these four questions?
1: What rate of return do you have to earn on your savings and investment dollars to be able to retire at your current standard of living adjusted for inflation and have your money last through your life expectancy?
2: How much do you need to save on a monthly or annual basis to be able to retire at your current standard of living and your money last till life expectancy?
3: Saving what you are currently doing, how long will you have to work to be able to retire and live just like you live today through life expectancy?
4: If you don’t do anything different than you are doing now, how much will you have to reduce your standard of living at retirement for your money to last to your life expectancy?
By answering a few simple questions about your current financial position, we can calculate where your current financial journey is heading as well as determine the answers to these four questions.
Contact us by phone or email or schedule an online meeting today and receive a free complimentary “Four Toughest Financial Questions Report”
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